News and events

InnoTraining project meeting at Kongsberg Digital (KDI)

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On Thursday 9th November, TARG team visited KDI for the third InnoTraining project meeting. The new PhD hire (Sathiya) and master students (Sunniva and Anders), whose thesis will be within the InnoTraining project introduced themselves to KDI team and explained their upcoming data collection in winter. READ MORE

IFE Hosts Second InnoTraining Meeting

On Monday August 28th, the second meeting of TARG’s newly initiated project Innovating Maritime Training Simulators using Virtual and Augmented Reality (InnoTraining), was held at the IFE facilities in Halden, Norway. READ MORE

Kick-off meeting for InnoTraining project

Innovating Maritime Training Simulators using Virtual and Augmented Reality (InnoTraining) is a project won by TARG at the University College of Southeast Norway (HSN) and the Kongsberg Group (KDI), with IFE and POLIMI in an assisting role. READ MORE

TARG visit Germany in august 2017

Training and Assessment Research Group (TARG) with Salman Nazir and Jørgen Ernstsen have visited researchers in Bochum and Aachen (Germany). READ MORE

TARG VR research covered on Norwegian national TV - NRK

Training and Assessment Group (TARG) and Kongsberg Digital (KDI), applied in December 2016 for a project grant to support the innovation of maritime training simulators using virtual and augmented reality named InnoTraining. Research Council of Norway rewarded the project a grant of 13 million NOK. READ MORE

Awarded a grant of 13 million NOK 

TARG in co-operation with Kongsberg Digital (KDI) submitted a project application entitled Innovating maritime training simulators using Virtual and Augmented Reality (InnoTraining), to the Research Council of Norway (RCN) for the development of next generation of maritime training simulators. READ MORE


Training and Assessment Group (TARG) and Kongsberg Digital (KDI), applied in December 2016 for a project grant to support the innovation of maritime training simulators using virtual and augmented reality named InnoTraining. Research Council of Norway rewarded the project a grant of 13 million NOK. READ MORE




The team
../../../../../../Desktop/innotrainingkickofStarting from left, top row: Jørgen Ernstsen, Salman Nazir, Sathiya Kumar Renganayagalu, Stig Wiggen, Joackim Hansen Hagen, Sunniva Veie, Leif Pentti Halvorsen, Geir Meyer, Steven Mallam, Bjarte Knappen Røed and Thomas Hammer.

Located in the surroundings between Tønsberg and Horten. Modern campus with a broad range of student residences, sports, cultural and social activities.

Big enough to have a pulse, small enough so that you are seen. Over 80 studies that gives you a good combination of theory and practice. Studies leading to a job as a ship's officer, teacher, nurse, accountant or engineer. Designated nightspot on the pier in Tønsberg run by and for students.  Read more

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